Hezbollah Will not Face Sanctions Alone but Will Drag Banks in

حزب الله
It is apparent, according to several economic analysts, that Hezbollah is publicly confronting the banks and is unfazed by the potential difficulties that the Lebanese economy as well as Banque du Liban is likely approaching. Hezbollah in fact, will not face the US sanctions alone. They insist on bringing .Lebanon down with them

According to the sources, the economic crisis that has hit Lebanon and caused massive shortages in dollar liquidity could be manufactured. Financial institutions and Hezbollah operatives created this crisis in order to smuggle money into Syria; which explains the campaign by Hezbollah Allies against the Governor of Banque du Liban.

After that, Hezbollah will study their options in facing the US sanctions. Many methods are being considered including taking to the streets against the banks of Lebanon.

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Hezbollah will not stand by and watch banks and other institutions comply with US sanctions resolutions. While Hezbollah can afford some of their members to take the brunt of the sanctions, but the current climate in the banks shows that the compliance seems to be going further, possibly affecting Hezbollah supporters as well.

In addition to that, Hezbollah consider that banks are the biggest contributors to the national debt through their exorbitant debt servicing fees. Either way; whether the economic crisis or the sanctions, Hezbollah find themselves in the middle of a significant confrontation. Al-Akhbar newspaper reported that the party leadership is considering the possibility of taking steps to confront the banks which may start from the streets by the public. “The decision was made,” according to senior March 8 sources, “but the mode of action remains under further discussion.”

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